Individual therapy

Lena Gray, PT &
Baby Development Expert
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Anne Marie Jensen
- physiotherapist specialized in fertility
Anne Marie offers individual fertility treatment, selfcare courses and professional training courses.
Anne Marie Jensen (1969) is a certified physiotherapist from The School of Physiotherapy (ed. Fysioterapiskolen) in Copenhagen with graduation in 2002.
Today, she runs her own clinic, Havnestadsklinikkens Fysioterapi, at Islands Brygge in Copenhagen, where she has spent the last 10 years specializing in treating infertility with physiotherapy.
She has supplemented her background in physiotherapy with postgraduate courses in the Mojzisova-method, Aviva-method, Mercier Therapy, Arvigo Therapy, scar tissue treatment, psoas-release-courses by Liz Koch, connective tissue massage, organ massage, and laser therapy seminars.
Furthermore, she has a bachelor's degree in European Ethnology from Humboldt University in Berlin and a history as a semi professional dancer.
Individual treatments
In "Sundfertilitet" we offer individual treatment for men and women, who wish to increase their chances of conceiving either naturally or with IUI, IVF or ICSI. Approximately 30% of our patients conceive naturally within on year after they start treatment with us. Most of them succeed within 3 month. If you combine our treatments with Assisted Reproductive Therapy (ART), you can of course expect a much higher pregnancy rate.
In the individual treatments we combine manual therapy, exercise instructions and laser therapy in order to achieve the best results.

Laser therapy
Biostimulating laser therapy to treat sub- and infertility is a form of therapy developed by the Japanese physician, Dr. Ohshiro.
With low doses of laser light (LLLT = Low Level Laser Therapy), energy is transferred to the cells, so that eggs, sperm, endometrial cells, immune defense cells, etc. perform their functions more optimally. The laser therapy takes place at such low doses that it is quite harmless, extremely comfortable but still effective.
It is especially recommended for women over 35, men with low sperm count and both men and women with scar tissue and / or inflammation of the lower back, pelvis or abdomen.
We also have good experience applying laser therapy to women with PCO and endometriosis.
You can read about laser therapy research as fertility therapy here:
Manual therapy
The manual therapy is performed like the laser therapy on a massage table in an individual therapy room.
We use manual therapy to loosen up adherent scar tissue, relax muscles and mobilize joints.
Manual therapy is especially recommended for both women and men with scar tissue caused by surgery, infections or trauma.
Manual treatments may also be relevant if you have pain, tension and / or reduced mobility.
We very much like to combine the manual therapy with exercise therapy and / or laser therapy.
You can read more about the evidence of manual therapy as a fertility enhancement treatment here: