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Fertility & Physical Therapy

Here at "Sund Fertilitet", we specialize in treating infertility with different physiotherapeutic methods. Our treatments include, laser therapy, manuel therapy, exercise therapy, group training, dietary guidance and stressreduktion

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A comfortable and efficient way to reproductive health

Vores services

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Online course

Get theoretical and practical  guidance in,  what you can do yourself to increase your chances of a positive pregnancy test and a successful pregnancy.

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Team training 

Participate in fertility-promoting training in groups in Havnestadsklinikken's beautiful training facilities.


book an appointment

Book an appointment for individual treatment with laser therapy, scar tissue treatment, Mojzisova therapy and/or fertility massage

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The book "Fertility &  Physiotherapy " has been published in Danish, English and German and now also in Swedish. Buy the E-book or softcover edition here.

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Vocational courses

We hold 3-4 professional courses every year for health-trained therapists/teachers with Danish as well as foreign course instructors.



Information and offers for our english speaking customers

How to start your course

It is first and foremost up to you how you want to piece together a course of treatment at Sund Fertilitet. We have no ready-made package solutions. Infertility may have  many  causes and  people are different, therefore  we prefer to adapt our treatment to the individual patient's wishes and needs.  

It can be a good idea to start by acquiring some basic knowledge about  reproductive health  by e.g. to read the book "Fertility & Physiotherapy", attend  a training team  at the clinic or use our  online material  from home  the living room. Here you will  gain theoretical knowledge of the reproductive functions,  instruction in fertility-promoting exercises and practical advice on posture, ergonomics, self-treatment of scar tissue, diet and exercise and stress relief, which you can apply immediately and relatively easily  in your daily life. And then you are already well on your way.

You are also very welcome to contact us by phone / sms or email and book an appointment for an individual consultation. Then you will be offered a time for an interview and a study where  we  together  traces us into what it is that challenges  just your fertility.  

If you have scar tissue in or around your abdomen from surgeries, infections or trauma, we recommend  that you combine training  with  individual consultations. You can read more about our individual treatment offers here.

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Om os

Who are we


Anne Marie Jensen

Started Healthy Fertility in 2010

- Physiotherapist since 2001

Specialized in physiotherapeutic fertility treatment  

- Also offers rehabilitation after the birth / caesarean section  as well as neck, shoulder, pelvic and back treatment

Tel: 41 40 10 94 /


Mine Camilla Olsen

- Trained psychomotor therapist in 2001

- Experienced in fertility-promoting treatments, scar tissue treatment and laser therapy

- Also offers psychomotor therapy for babies, children and adults.

Tel:  60 70 54 34

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